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Teaching experience


Graduate Seminars


Kant's System of Duties [syllabus] (Oxford) â€‹

Weeks 1&2: Introducing the Metaphysics of Morals

Week 3: Duties of Right to Others

Week 4: Duties of Right to Oneself

Week 5: Duties of Virtue to Oneself

Week 6: Duties of Virtue to Others​​

Week 7: The Duty to Leave the State of Nature

Week 8: The Right of Nations and Cosmopolitan Right


Foundations in Political Theory (Oxford)


Undergraduate Lectures

Themes in Kant’s Moral and Political Philosophy (Oxford):​

Lecture 1: Right and ethics

Lecture 2: The state of nature

Lecture 3: Citizenship

Lecture 4: Punishment 




Theory of Politics [sample reading list] (Oxford)

Introduction to Political Theory (LSE)

Introduction to the Theory of Politics (Oxford)

Kant (Oxford)

Kant's ethics and political philosophy [sample reading list] (Oxford)
Ethics [
sample reading list] (Oxford)
Early Modern Philosophy [
sample reading list] (Oxford)

Leibniz (Oxford)
General Philosophy (Oxford)
Introduction to Ethics (Toronto)

Political Philosophy (Toronto)

Reason and Truth (Toronto)

Introduction to Philosophy (Toronto)

Bioethics (Toronto)
Global Bioethics (Toronto)

Sample undergraduate class slides


Introduction to Political Theory (LSE, 2021-2022):


Fall term week 1: No class.

Fall term week 2: Introduction to GV100 classes

Fall term week 3: Plato on justice

Fall term week 4: Aristotle's politics 

Fall term week 5: Machiavelli on the nature of politics

Fall term week 6: Reading week

Fall term week 7: Hobbes and the state of nature

Fall term week 8: Hobbes and sovereignty

Fall term week 9: Locke, property and state authority

Fall term week 10: No slides due to strike action

Fall term week 11: Rousseau's social contract


Winter term week 1: Kant on perpetual peace

Winter term week 2: Kant on cosmopolitanism and race

Winter term week 3: The Federalist Papers

Winter term week 4: Mill: On liberty, feminism, democracy

Winter term week 5: No slides due to strike action

Winter term week 6: Reading week

Winter term week 7: Marx on alienation

Winter term week 8: Marx on historical materialism

Winter term week 9: Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morality

Winter term week 10: Arendt on totalitarianism 

Winter term week 11: No slides due to strike action.

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