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Articles and chapters


Duties to self, consent, and respect in Kant's moral philosophy

Journal of Moral Philosophy, Online first, 1-24.


Authority and acquisition: Kant on property in the state of nature 

Property Law and Theory (2024) Edward Elgar Publishing. 142-154.


Active citizenship and Kantian republicanism

The Kantian Subject: New Interpretative Essays (2023) Routledge. 161-79.


Kant on civil self-sufficiency

Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 105:1 (2023) 118-140.


Whence 'honeste vive'?

European Journal of Philosophy, 29:2 (2021) 323- 338.


Kant on welfare: 5 unsuccessful defences

Kantian Review, 25:1 (2020) 1- 25.


A Kantian Defense of the Right to Health Care

Kantian Theory and Human Rights (2014) Routledge. 70-88.









Kant on Duties to Self 

In progress and under contract for the Elements in the Philosophy of Kant series. Cambridge University Press.  â€‹


Book reviews


Review of Jakob Huber's Kant's Grounded Cosmopolitanism

Jurisprudence, 14(2) (2023) 309-316.



Other writing​


Child Euthanasia Should Be Allowed

Opposing Viewpoints: Euthanasia (2015) Gale: Cengage Learning. 35-40.


Should Vegetarians Consider Eating Insects?

Alternative Diets (2015) Cambridge: Independence Educational Publishers. 32-33.


Let Needs Increase so that Rights May Prosper

Noumena: Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy 1:1 (2011) 68-90.


Narrative Ethics and Decision Making Capacity

Arete: The Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Rutgers University 3:1 (2010) 37-48.


Dissertation â€‹


Kant on citizenship

DPhil thesis, University of Oxford, 2019









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